several writers produced attacks on the government 意味
- 何人かの作家は政府を攻撃する文を発表した
- several several 区々たる 区区たる くくたる 幾 いく 区区 区々 まちまち くく 別箇 べっこ 諸 しょ
- produced {形} : 一方向へ長く延びた
- the government the government 行政府 ぎょうせいふ
- attacks on the government 政府攻撃{せいふ こうげき}
- attacks on the government 政府攻撃{せいふ こうげき}
- story made up by several writers working on it in turn story made up by several writers working on it in turn 連作 れんさく
- produced {形} : 一方向へ長く延びた
- have to attend a party at which several government dignitaries will also be present 政府高官{せいふ こうかん}も数人出席{すうにん しゅっせき}するパーティーに出なくてはならない
- ancient writers 古代{こだい}の著作家{ちょさくか}
- commonwealth of writers 文壇{ぶんだん}
- minor writers 群小作家{ぐんしょう さっか}
- petty writers 群小作家{ぐんしょう さっか}
- recent writers 近ごろの作家{さっか}たち